Adobe Illustrator 2024 Dimension Tool
A new feature "Dimension Tool" that is now beyond hungry limits.
I wish it had been included another 20 years, or even 30 years earlier to be honest....
You can easily put in the necessary dimensions when handing over data to a factory or moldmaker.
You can edit dimension auxiliary lines, offset dimension text, enlarge dimension text, dimension lines, dimension line auxiliary lines, offset dimension auxiliary lines, and all sorts of other things as usual.
The work of connecting paths can also be easily done, and
Where it gets complicated, auxiliary lines can be processed as objects, which is a great help.
I hope you will continue to improve the CAD functionality of the software.
January 2024 Kyoko Kanekawa
子供の科学 2024年1月号 [特大号 別冊付録付き] | 株式会社誠文堂新光社
★【特集】鳥類学者・川上和人先生が観察術と最新研究を伝授 知れば鳥の見方が変わる! めざせ! 鳥マスター冬は鳥の観察には絶好の季節。ただ鳥を眺めても楽しいですが、ちょっとしたコツを知ればもっとおもしろ