
Special Paper Device Design & Production | HonyaPlan

Let’s make “Trash Can Man” out of cardboard!

Let's make a "Trash Can Man" out of cardboard.

If you put a plastic bag in a trash can you bought at Daiso or some other store, the plastic bag sticks out from the head of the trash can. the plastic bag sticks out from the head of the trash can. That's not so cool, right? I saw something a few decades ago that suggested putting the entire trash can in a basket or another box. I remembered seeing something about this decades ago. So I tried it with a cardboard box I had lying around. Yeah, it looks good.

But my 8 year old said, "It's hard to tell it's a trash can! He said, "It's hard to see that it's a trash can! I said, "Okay, I'll make it easier to understand.

So, here we are.

Click to zoom

Like! I got a thumbs up for the target. I'll put my arm on the side too. I said, "Let me hold an ice cream stick or a mask. He said, "Let me hold an ice cream stick or a mask.

So here we are.

Click to zoom
Click to zoom

This is probably a good idea.

200% influenced by Akira Toriyama due to reading too much of Arale-chan.

It's quite a fun way to get rid of trash, so please give it a try. I'd like you to give it a try.

See you next time.

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