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Piano Practice Notebook

They said they couldn't get through the instructions, so they pulled out for now.

Our beginning piano student is a second grader. The first piano class I went to when we moved to Kofu... I got the feeling that they don't accept people who are out of shape... When the teacher told me that I could not follow her instructions, I thought I thought it was not a good idea to stay here, so I withdrew from this piano school.

Music is fun!

The teacher at the new piano school has a lot of drawers. He seems to be strong and good at out-of-form. And even if they are children, they use honorifics. Let's enjoy music! I could feel his passion for music.

Make a record book

This is a big deal. I need to make something to follow up on my practice at home. I felt that I had to create something that would allow me to follow up on my practice at home, I made a record book to show what I practiced little by little every day. When I showed it to my teacher, he said, "Wow, this . It's going to sell! Okay, it looks like I was right.

Click to zoom

I actually grabbed it!

It was a perfect introduction to the piano until I got into the habit of practicing. It is a double-song spread, up to 5 times a day, for a week at a time, You can record up to five times a day for one month. You can use stamps and stickers to record up to 5 times a day for each song.

No Miss Challenge is also available.

The last page, You can record the number of times you can perform up to 10 times each without making a mistake. This is the "No-Miss Challenge Strips" that the teacher gave me on a separate sheet of paper. I put them together. I will use it before mini-concerts, etc.

2 times at first

Since we are starting from a place of no habit at first, we decided to practice only twice. When he is able to continue, we will do the number of times he is comfortable with. Then, sometimes, there will be days when we do 5 times.

Sometimes the heat gets to him.

It's not that I pull 5 times for the purpose of repeating 5 times, I just have a day once a week where I can't accept it, so I run it five times. I get a fever once a week or so.

But don't forget.

The most important thing is to sit down at the piano at a regular time every day The most important thing is whether or not you have been able to sit in front of the piano at a certain time every day and touch it. Don't get carried away.

Why don't you make a record book at ####

There is a link to a downloadable file at the end of this article. It is printed out in black and white photocopy and made in three A4 size sheets.

Tools to prepare

  • Glue stick or double-sided tape
  • Cutters or scissors
  • Ruler
  • Cutter mat

The solid line in the middle is the cut line. Cut in half.

Click to zoom

Fold the fold line as instructed. (Fold the pages as instructed (instructions for "mountain fold" and "tani-fold" are written at the fold line). 3.

  1. glue the pages together, starting with the cover illustration of the cat. (The instructions are written at the fold line.) 3. Glue the pages in order, starting from the cover with the cat illustration, and connect the pages in the same order.

    Click to zoom

Once the long strip of paper is completed, fold it into a booklet shape. Fold the pages so that the edges are aligned.

Click to zoom

  1. finally, paste the glue line on the front cover on the back cover to complete.

    Click to zoom
    Click to zoom

Let's Manichi-renshu

Since there is one book per month, you will be able to keep going forward to a new record book. By the time they have accumulated 12 books, they may be able to play the piano without it. We hope you will use it with your kids as a companion for their piano practice.

Click here to download ⬇︎

[Piano Practice Recorder]

(https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0081/8747/8127/files/honyapianolog_A4_ol.pdf "Piano Brick Recorder")

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