
Special Paper Device Design & Production | HonyaPlan

Space Apollo_Fujipan Records

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I didn't know what to eat for lunch. I went to Famima and found a bread called "Space Apollo". It is smaller than a strawberry sandwich. (135 x 70mm) It was placed at the bottom of the shelf. It looked like it had fallen off. A position for a child to find.

As we are a company that makes and sells observatory goods space, we can't help but buy it. (This is the one that goes out into space.) Well, I bought it because it's cute. 80% of our products are cute.

Look at the cross section. It's soft. There's a little bit of coarse lamella in it. This is a star! Ptzlaine is a star! The milk-flavored cream is puffy in the middle! Maybe it's a galaxy! The outline is of course the moon. It's yellowish. And the browned side is the inner side.

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I had git git tsukemen for lunch. I had this as dessert. It's so relaxing. Please prepare barley tea or coffee.

Our company's middle man2 looked it up and found out that it was the one "introduced on TV". It is only available for a limited time.

For details, please visit Fuji Pan's website.

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Honyaplan Inc.2-1-39 Yakata, Kofu, Yamanashi, 〒400-0017Phone: 055-267-7577
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