Planning and design of novelties, paper supplements, and direct marketing tools
We can propose paper items that can be manufactured domestically, from planning to all conditions and purposes of use.
We can propose paper items that can be manufactured domestically, from planning to all conditions and purposes of use.
We offer unique pop-up cards and paper crafts based on our design know-how cultivated over the years.
We can design everything from simple packages to large fixtures and corrugated products.
We offer proposals from planning to mass production, from sample creation to mass production. Please contact us for details.
[Various proposals and support] We are available for product development, folding structure design, consultation on past cases, proposals for advertising and PR agencies (for a fee), and other inquiries.
[Various production support] Propose three-dimensional structures based on a two-dimensional image, such as "turning a two-dimensional image into a three-dimensional image" or "making a shape that can be mass-produced," and provide production and manufacturing support.
[Sales, Planning, Design Support] "In-house resources are limited to meet new needs" and "In-house product development resources cannot be allocated" are some of the issues we address with our design technology.
[Content Creation] We have actual experience in content creation, such as creating craft articles using paper, designing supplements for magazines, and proposing items related to learning materials.
[Prototype video] https://youtube.com/shorts/Ozm62K8AnxI?si=Pk3dqLNAUxLUmXWV [Overview] Children's Science, January 2024. [Intended use] Craft corner article [Specifications] Cardboard, Lillian thread, cracker contents, copy paper, etc. [Notes] * [Related URL] <https://www.seibundo-shinkosha.net/magazine/kids/84770/ >
Read more[Abstract] ** Early Childhood Distance Learning [Applications] Special materials [SPECIFICATIONS] 2 x 4-page A4 z-fold sheets (including assembly instructions) [Notes] Play with ordering and delivering dishes by dice menu. Delivery bike, 2 dice menus, dishes [Related URL] https://www.popy.jp/assets/pdf/yoji/lineup_ki2023.pdf
Read more[Abstract] Children's Science, May 2022. [Intended use] Craft corner article [Specifications] Corrugated cardboard or cardboard, PVC board, split pins, etc. [Remarks] [Related URL] https://www.seibundo-shinkosha.net/magazine/kids/70093/
Read more[Abstract] Families Character Tie-in items [Intended use] Novelties for kids' menus Can be played with while waiting or taken home to make [SPECIFICATIONS] 340 x 282 mm, folded in quarters, 2 sheets 4c/4c Punching process [Notes] Clerk can fold the sheet to a size that is easy to store in and out of the sackosh. Can play with making meals + can put away parts inside the box body [Related URLs]
Read moreJuly 27, 2023 A special open house was held at the Nobeyama Cosmic Radio Observatory. For the past few years, the event has been held only online. This year, we opened a booth at the real site for the first time in a long time. We usually only sell our products at the University of Tokyo Co-op in Mitaka or at our webshop, but this year, we opened a booth at a real venue for the first time in a long while. but at the special open house, we will be able to meet with customers and visitors directly. Some products are only available at the special open house. Now Heavy rain is forecast for the afternoon of the day of the special opening. Honyaplan is scheduled to close this time around 2:00 p.m. This year the location has changed and we will open in the staff parking lot near the 45-meter radio telescope. The main merchandise items are tenugui (hand towels) and T-shirts. There will also be a sale of fantastic kids' T-shirts. T-shirts not available at the University of Tokyo Co-op in Mitaka were also sold. T-shirts made of Montbell's Wickron material are usually only made for this special open house, but We recommend you to wear them in the mountains. Also, we have a 1/500 paper craft of a 45-meter radio telescope and a paper craft of a TMT 1/250 styrene craft models were also sold in small quantities. At the store next door, Dr. A was selling telescope kits. Shinshu University's booth had the usual cabbage and...mystery fruit. The Radio Education Association of Japan seemed to be having a lot of fun with their "radio wave-like sound. (They greeted visitors in Morse code, etc.)! ) Mr. Kushikuma, who says Nagano Prefecture is a space prefecture, was also there. This year, there was a "Noveyama Marché", a food and beverage area with a collection of kitchen cars. I had a hard time deciding what to order, but I decided to try the spinach curry. Around 1:30 p.m., black clouds appeared in the distance. Then, thunder. When thunder strikes in the mountains, we immediately pull out of the area. And the Nobeyama Radio Telescope is located in a huge, wide-open area. It was just 2:00 p.m., so we accelerated the closing of the store. The tents around us were all in a hurry. I really wanted to say hello to everyone, but... it started raining heavily in no time. It was just in time to get to the car, and we were all in the car. (Fun memory for an aside) When we started the car, we were ready to go home. I noticed that Dr. A was outside the car calling for help. We had to take him to where his car was. After that Hail mixed in with the torrential rain, and visibility was 10 cm in front of us. It is truly impossible to see what is ahead with the naked eye. After driving for a while, we somehow managed to escape from the storm zone. This is the winner for nice removal, it was fun, I returned to Kofu with a smile on my face. We will come back next time if we are invited. Thank you very much. You can listen to the "Archive of Online Lectures" for a while. ↓↓↓↓ Online Lecture (Morning Session) https://www.youtube.com/live/OZhqw-h_1gA?feature=shared Online Lecture (Afternoon Session) https://www.youtube.com/live/jdAVqqExty0?feature=shared
Read moreA new feature "Dimension Tool" that is now beyond hungry limits. I wish it had been included another 20 years, or even 30 years earlier to be honest.... You can easily put in the necessary dimensions when handing over data to a factory or moldmaker. You can edit dimension auxiliary lines, offset dimension text, enlarge dimension text, dimension lines, dimension line auxiliary lines, offset dimension auxiliary lines, and all sorts of other things as usual. ↓. https://helpx.adobe.com/jp/illustrator/using/measure-and-show-dimensions.html The work of connecting paths can also be easily done, and Where it gets complicated, auxiliary lines can be processed as objects, which is a great help. I hope you will continue to improve the CAD functionality of the software. January 2024 Kyoko Kanekawa https://www.seibundo-shinkosha.net/magazine/kids/84770/
Read more[Transcript of how the photo gift-ready pop-up was created]. Contact." Receive an overview via email or phone call ↓↓ (in Japanese only) Hearing Confirmation of what you want to create, delivery date, production schedule, and budget ↓ "Decide" ↓ "Decide" ↓ "Decide" ↓ "Decide Decide what we can make. Create a rough image by looking at actual samples and reference materials. We take pictures of our pop-up materials, We will lend you a sample of the actual history. You can use this for your presentation. ↓ Confirm the details of your budget. Confirm details of your budget Proceed with NDA and other necessary formalities See what you have in mind Receive PDF file from customer with images and photos ↓ "Finalize structural design". Finalize the structural design. If rough drawings are necessary, draw rough drawings of the structure that can actually be made (4 sheets) ↓↓ Feedback." Decide on a compromise of a few proposals to proceed. Wants to use a large photo in a way that is easy to handle and less time-consuming Wondered if it could be made into a hardcover cover that could be made in a manufacturing plant See a sample of an image made ready-made by the manufacturing They are willing to supply us with a cover by mail in one week White sample production We need to rethink the design again if there are any differences from the rough I'll think about it before I receive the cover. ↓↓ See the sample of the cover. Received a different size cover due to lack of time. The size is smaller than the image sample Only the size of the movable range of the corner and the way to paste the photo when it is set at 90 degrees are used as reference. White is still the original size (10/29) Wait for the desired size cover Feedback." Change where changes need to be made ↓ "White sample production White sample production ↓ "Approval Approve. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Create development drawings for manufacturing quotation ↓ "Approval" ↓ "Approval" ↓ "Approval Manufacturing Estimate ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Update design if there are areas that do not fit in the budget Create mold data ↓ Confirmation of manufacturing estimate Confirm manufacturing estimate Graphic design Start graphic design according to the mold. If there are characters that need to be approved, decide and proceed. ↓ "Color Sample Production Color sample production ↓ "Fill in the form and picture Fill in the shapes and pictures. If there is a need to change both the shape and graphics, update and Make color sample again ↓ "Approve Approval ↓ "Approve Submit. Submit" ↓ "Approval Cutting proofs and producing comps ↓ "Approval" ↓ "Draft" ↓ "Draft Approval ↓Approval Progress of production, and proofreading. ↓ "Production" ↓ "Approval Production. ↓ "Deliver". Delivery.
Read moreFuji Apollo was bought by the "middle man 2" of Honyaplan. (By the way, Watashi is 1) I wonder if they are making the surface treatment varnish and plate avoiding the product name. Or is it printed on top? The width of the pattern plate is narrow, isn't it? I was talking about this. Fuji on the Yamanashi side or the Shizuoka side. There is no mention of Yamanashi or Shizuoka. I thought I would ask someone from Shizuoka about it. The gouge was too shallow for an Osawakuregake, Is it a theory that the gouge was made to look like neither? I was surprised to hear that the gouge was too shallow for an Osawa collapse, Fuji and tea fields on the Yamanashi side. I'm not sure. I also received a well-done image showing the Yamanashi side on the left and the Shizuoka side on the right. The Yamanashi side is more rugged and mountainous The Shizuoka side is more smooth and looks like it's catching the sea breeze. This Mt. Fuji Apollo's Mt. Fuji looks like Yamanashi. After that, we continued to talk about Mt. Fuji from Gotemba, the foot of Mt, The thousand-yen bill is also good from Lake Motosu and Lake Kawaguchi. Fuji to people from Shizuoka, it is very difficult to get a lot of information about Mt. Fuji, they will come up with a lot of information about Mt. Fuji, even though we have known each other for several decades. Fuji, but I wondered if I had never asked him about Mt. Fuji, or maybe he had not heard much about it. But Shizuoka people say, I think people in Yamanashi have stronger feelings about Mt. Fuji, so be careful when you talk about Mt. Fuji, so be careful when you talk about Mt. I see... well... People in Yamanashi, both people in government offices and people in printing companies, I met people from the government, printing companies, ladies at Yukizuri hot springs, elementary school teachers, and so on, everyone I met. Whenever I asked them something, they would explain it to me, I found him to be "a person with a lot of energy, who explains everything at once. Maybe this is true not only for Mt. If I ask one person I have a feeling that I will be able to gather all the information I need... By the way, I looked at the inside of the package of Mt, Fuji Apollo, it says that the motif is Red Fuji. Oh yeah. Well, at first glance, I thought the surface treatment pattern was the same as that of the purple pasteboard of Kikyo Shingenmochi... I thought that the pattern of the surface treatment is the same as that of the purple box of Kikyo Shingenmochi... (Not that it matters, but if there was a part-time job for manufacturing these boxes, I'd like to go there...) I see... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the trouble. But I knew you would write it inside. It's okay. This is, it's Apollo. The original moto is about space. Well, the guy in Shizuoka said said, "It should be a picture from directly above." Indeed... By the way, the manufacturing plant is in Hokkaido. Well, that's all for now. Have a good day.
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¥650~View moreM87中心ブラックホールマグネット [小] 地球上の8つの電波望遠鏡を統合させた国際協力プロジェクト、イベント・ホライズン・テレスコープで撮影された、銀河M87星雲中心の巨大ブラックホールシャドウ、ブ
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